School Hours:
1920 Madison Street, Clarksville, TN 37043
931-648-5685 | 931-553-2087 (fax)
Regular Day: 8:50 AM to 3:50 PM
Half Day: 8:50 AM to 12:20 PM
Early Release: 1:20 PM

What are the school hours?
The school hours for grades K-5 are 8:50 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.

What time do students arrive at school and what are the procedures?
The front doors will open at 8:30 a.m. Students arriving between 8:30 a.m. and 8:50 a.m. should report to the classroom. Breakfast is provided for all students who arrive before 8:50 a.m. Students should be in class and prepared to learn by 8:50 a.m. Students arriving after 8:50 a.m. are tardy and must have a parent sign them in at the office. Students who are unhurried and in class by 8:35 a.m. have a more successful start to the day.

What time do students dismiss and what are the procedures?
Car riders will exit from the side entrance at approximately 3:35 p.m. Barksdale will distribute an identification tag to all automobiles that has the child's name and grade. This must be visible to our car circle staff. If you do not have your identification tag, students must be signed out from the office. Van riders and bus riders will follow, exiting from the front bus port. Car riders not picked up by 3:50 p.m. will be in the office and must be signed out by a parent. Early dismissals are disruptive to your child's day and should be avoided. Only people indicated on the emergency card may sign out a student. Proper photo identification is required. For the safety of your child, all dismissals must be made from the office. Teachers may dismiss students only when communication is received from the office. No student will be dismissed until a parent or guardian is in the building.

How to do I notify the school about a change in transportation for my child?
The teacher must be NOTIFIED IN WRITING or by email by 2:00pm of any afternoon change in transportation. If needed, please notify your daycare of changes. Last minute changes cause confusion for the student and for school and daycare personnel. You may email changes in transportation to the teacher but please make sure you receive a response. If not, call the office.

What do I do if my child is absent?
Students are asked to bring a note from their parents/guardians after each absence. In order to meet the requirements for promotion, students in elementary grades must attend 85% of the days school is in session. Attendance for promotion will be determined at the end of each school year (CMCSS Student Conduct Handbook - Student Absences and Excuses). Frequent tardies, early dismissals, and excessive absences result in lost instructional time and must be addressed.Parents may write notes for up to 5 days if the child is sick and that absence is excused.

What about tardies or early dismissals?
Students need to remain in school for the entire day so that they can receive the full benefit of our instructional program. Students must attend school 3 hours and 16 minutes to be given credit for a day's attendance. Unless there is a real emergency, we urge parents not to dismiss children early, as the end of the day is an important closure and review time. Frequent early dismissals will be addressed. Students should arrive on time so they can prepare to begin their day on schedule. Late arrivals affect the learning of all students in the class. Tardies are documented and a required letter is sent to parents of students who are frequently late to school. Names are given to the Attendance Officer at Central Office for further inquiries. Students must attend school for 3hrs and 16 minutes on a full day, and 1hr and 48 minutes on a half day to be considered present.NO DISMISSALS AFTER 3:15 PM.

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