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Hello! My name is Shannon Hadley. I am thrilled to be the librarian at Barksdale! As librarian, I teach information literacy classes and assist students in checking out books for pleasure and for projects. I manage the Accelerated Reader program and administer its rewards. I am also responsible for ordering and circulating books and other media. I have a wonderful assistant, Anita Coleman. She is extremely knowledgeable and very helpful. Stop by Barksdale's library! It is an exciting place to be!
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  1. Please enjoy library books with clean hands.
  2. Please do not color, draw, or write in library books.
  3. Please do not eat or drink while reading library books.
  4. Use a bookmark to mark your place.

I hope your student reads his/her library book for 20 minutes everyday.  Research shows that reading 20 minutes daily not only improves a child’s overall reading ability, but also provides other academic benefits as well.  Reading improves a child’s general knowledge base and their writing skills.  

Classroom Books